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Proofreading Services

Basic Proofreading

  1. Checking and correcting misspelling and incorrect punctuation using track changes in Word so that you can accept or reject every individual amendment.

  2. Ensuring that the work follows the conventions of grammar and syntax used in written English (including in any footnotes, endnotes or appendices). This can include rewording parts of a sentence or a whole sentence in order to clarify your English, which can be in US or UK spellings.

  3. Making notes (using comments balloons/bubbles) for you where the meaning of the text is unclear or confusing. The notes will outline the problem so that you can then amend the text. The reason I don’t rewrite the sections is that I could accidentally change the content/meaning as I may not be an expert in the field you’re writing about, and (for students) it could also raise potential collusion issues.

  4. Identifying the incorrect use of words and suggesting alternatives or the need for you to investigate alternatives. However, this doesn’t mean I make stylistic changes to make the work read as more ‘academic’ or ‘professional’.

  5. Ensuring consistency in terms of spelling (e.g. hyphenation or spelling choice when two options are correct e.g. focusing/focussing), punctuation, capitalisation and other aspects of style, for example using double or single quote marks and using e.g., etc. and i.e. consistently. Where needed, I will also ensure consistency of formatting and that chapter, table and figure numbering is sequential and correct but I will not create these elements from scratch.

  6. Suggesting ways of cutting very long sentences or dividing very long paragraphs but (where possible) not cutting the overall word/page count of the project.

  7. Noting errors in the punctuation and/or format of in-text quotes but not correcting them as quotes need to match exactly what the original states, unless it’s a translation made by you (which it should state), in which case I will make the amendments using track changes.

  8. If you have paid for a Basic Proofread but want me to correct sections you have changed, which I originally highlighted for re-writing, please note that this work will be chargeable at my hourly rate for re-reviews (rate code 6).

  9. Likewise, if you have paid for a Basic Proofread, but want me to:

  • Correct sections that I originally highlighted for re-writing, where you have not tracked or otherwise made your re-writes visible

  • Correct sections that I did not initially highlight for re-writing

  • Correct sections that I have already re-reviewed once

  • Correct new sections that you have added

Please note that this work will be chargeable at my hourly rate for re-reviews (rate code 6).

Standard Proofreading

This service includes everything covered by a Basic Proofread, plus the following:

  1. For students/academic clients: checking the order of reference indicators as they appear in the main text.

  2. For students/academic clients: Ensuring any references adhere to the specific style (e.g. Harvard, Vancouver) and correcting spelling errors in the entries. However, I don’t cross-check the details with any external sources nor do I research them to add in missing information. If the work is submitted to me and it’s clear that no style has been followed, I will return the reference section to you to work on as most university guidelines state that I cannot implement the style from scratch. I will then check the section once you have done this.

  3. Where I have provided comments for you to re-write certain sections, my initial quote covers me checking your corrections to these sections. However, this only applies to re-checking those specific sections, so you must make the amendments/corrections visible, using track changes or by highlighting the text, so that I can easily locate the updated text. This service is offered once so it is advisable for you to work through the entire file and then send it to me in one go, along with any queries you may have by email.

  4. If you have paid for a Standard Proofread, but want me to:

  • Correct sections that I originally highlighted for re-writing, where you have not tracked or otherwise made your re-writes visible

  • Correct sections that I did not initially highlight for re-writing

  • Correct sections that I have already re-reviewed once

  • Correct new sections that you have added

Please note that this work will be chargeable at my hourly rate for re-reviews (rate code 6).

Basic Proofreading
Standard Proofreadig


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